Hotel Sales in the Era of COVID-19!

  We've been talking to planners about contracts, negotiations and the new meeting styles, but what about Hotel Sales Managers?  Yes, there are ways to fill rooms out there!  Just a chance to get creative!

Here are some tactics I've used to fill rooms when things are VERY quiet....some are a bit odd, but I've used them all, and I guarantee they all work...!

-     Contact local extermination companies; when they need to "tent" a house for termites,  where do the owners stay?  I called it the "Great Bug-Out Rate"

-     Contact funeral homes and extend a rate and a telephone number, for out of town visitors for funerals

-     Contact local churches, temples, synagogues and mosques for wedding blocks

-     Call local universities.. do they need student or faculty housing?  Do their teams need to be in a "bubble" environment?

-     Can your local university host an Elderhostel, when seniors spend an extended period learning about the local area, golf, birding, history, etc.?

-     When a timeshare destination extends a comp for their "Sales Visit,"  many times, the guest wants to extend their stay.  Time-shares extend comps to get more showings, so have them send their overflow to your hotel;

-     For hospitals and first-responders.. do they need overnight accommodations when they are pulling multiple shifts?  Can you extend a rate for those staffers, and any family in town visiting a family member?

-     Many casinos give out comps, much like time-share... can you extend a rate for guests who want to stay past their allotted 2-3 nights?

-     Many airlines are re-negotiating their crew rooms contracts.  Call them and see if you can get in contention.

-     Put an ad in the business section of your paper-- promote a WFH -- Work From Hotel Day Rate, with in-room internet, coffee and a box-lunch included;  Give a multi-day rate for 2 or more days

While none of these are going to offset the massive cancellations we've had, they are a good way to get things started a bit at your hotel and get some guests back in the building!

Good luck-- please call or write if I can help you!

Tom Pasha

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Tel: 407-891-2252





Tom Pasha / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Tel: 407-891-2252